
Brain Heart Illustration by Yasmeen via Flickr Cc
Contemplative Studies
Can Love Change Your Mind? New Project Explores Neuroscience of ‘Positive Qualities’
September 10, 2008

Grant from Fetzer Institute allows Davidson's lab to explore the impact of love, other positive qualities on the brain

Photo of Richard Davidson and Matthieu Ricard fMRI lab Web
Learning Well-Being
Study Shows Compassion Meditation Changes the Brain
March 25, 2008

Brain scans of practicing monks reveal impact on circuits used to detect emotions and feelings and others

Brain Circuits Illustration Samarets1984 I Stock
Mind, Brain and Emotion
Clinical Depression Linked to Abnormal Emotional Brain Circuits
August 15, 2007

Center Founder Richard Davidson is senior author on a study examining differences in the neural circuits responsible for emotional regulation in depressed individuals

fMRI Scan Screen Machine
Brain Scans Show Meditation Changes Minds, Increases Attention
June 25, 2007

Center Founder Richard Davidson, researchers find meditation increases activity in brain regions associated with attention, decision-making

Focus Car Path photo by Talha_shahzad_photography I Stock Web
Contemplative Studies
Meditation May Fine-Tune Control Over Attention
May 8, 2007

Center Founder Richard Davidson, research group find meditation may have lasting impact on brain's ability to regulate attention

Brain Puzzle Piece Wildpixel I Stock
Mind, Brain and Emotion
Brain’s ‘Fear Center’ May Underlie Autistic Behaviors
December 12, 2006

Center Founder Richard Davidson is the senior author of paper on the link between the size of the amygdala and social deficits associated with autism