Center Founder Richard Davidson plays lead role in UW-Madison branch of national NIH-funded autism research effort
Center Founder Richard Davidson leads study that finds lasting changes in brain, immune system due to participation in short mindfulness meditation program
Center Founder Richard Davidson is co-author of a study on brain activity in clinically depressed individuals that could be used to predetermine the effectiveness of antideppressants
Center founder Richard Davidson and collaborator Ned Kalin examine the effects of antidepressants on the brain
Center Founder Richard Davidson, Dalai Lama, scientists and researchers gather on UW–Madison campus to discuss collaboration, continued scientific research on meditation
At the invitation of Center Founder Richard Davidson, His Holiness the Dalai Lama visits the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus; tours W. M. Keck Laboratory for Functional Brain Imaging and Behavior and attends conference of leading contemplative studies scientists.