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Well-Being in Infants and Children Archive

Archived Studies

Classroom desk with apple by Andrea Carolina Sanchez Gonzalez via iStock
A Classroom-Based Training Program for Attention and Emotion Regulation

Assessing how mindfulness-based training works in classrooms, Center researchers are developing programs for students and children to learn more about how an integrated approach can promote well-being in schools.

School children playing Center for Healthy Minds game, Tenacity
Games to Teach Mindfulness and Compassion to Adolescents

Our researchers are developing and measuring the impact of video games to help children improve attention and develop pro-social behavior.

African American Mother Holding Baby To Demonstrate The Importance Of Healthy Infant Mother Relationships
Investigating the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Training on Mother and Infant Brain Development

How does Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) impact the brains of infants and their mothers?

Adults lead Kindness Curriculum breathing exercise
Kindness Curriculum Study with Pre-Kindergarten Students

Center researchers are evaluating a mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum in promoting attention, emotion regulation and pro-social behavior in children.

Photo of adult and child holding hands by pixelheadphoto via iStock
Mindfulness-Based Parenting Program

Center experts are researching the impact of a mindful parenting program to help address stressors and demands of parenting as well as promote positive and supportive parent-child interactions.

Infant Mri Cropped Web
Neurobiology of Emotion Regulation and Developmental Stress

How do early experiences shape a person’s chances of developing symptoms associated with depression and anxiety? Center scientists are studying risk factors and longitudinal data to learn more.

Photo of yoga mat on wooden floor by Cindybug via iStock
Reducing Stress through Yoga for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

Center scientists are exploring the bodily changes associated with a specific type of yoga in individuals on the autism spectrum.